Goal tracking in Google Analytics – Do Six Figures

Goal tracking in Google Analytics

Lesson 27 Module 4

Want to to optimize your website for conversions? To do that, you'll need to track conversions using Google Analytics by setting up goal-tracking.

Here's how to get this set up.

Step 1.

Log in to Google Analytics, go to Admin and click on Goals

Step 2.

Click on + NEW GOAL

Give it a name, select Destination and click Continue.

Step 3.

On the next page, add the thank you page URL that users are redirected to after subscribing to your email list.

If you already had subscribers go through this path, you can click Verify this Goal and see what your conversion rate has been the last 7 days.

Save the goal and you're all set!

Goal tracking for paid products

Goal tracking also works for paid products. It works the same as when you track email conversions.

To set up goal tracking for a paid product, set up another goal and set the Destination to your paid product thank you page.

You can then add a monetary value to this goal.

Tracking conversions from your tripwire page

I want to set up goal tracking to see how many people take me up on my tripwire offer on my thank you page.

To do this you set up another goal, where the Destination is your paid product thank you page.

However, this time I want to limit tracking to only those who started on the tripwire page.

Click on Funnel and add the URL of your tripwire page (also known as the thank you page of your free opt-in).

By setting it up this way, you're telling Google to only track sales that originated from your tripwire page.
